
How Much Time will I need to Devote to this Course?

The length of time it takes to read the lessons in each Module has been calculated in Words to Time. The length of Videos and Audios have also been calculated and all are presented at the start of each Module.

How long it takes to complete the associated Workbooks and Case Studies is up to the student as you will be working in your own time. As with all things in life, the more you put into the work, the more you will reap the rewards of your efforts.

Some modules are longer than others and I have kept the Workbooks shorter for them, and vice-versa, to balance out your time across the year.

In addition, each Module includes a 3 hour Live Zoom session, occurring approx once every 6 weeks as the Wheel turns. A recording of the Zoom will be made available.

Group Gatherings on the Land have not been time calculated as it can be a moveable feast but usually 3-4 hours per gathering whenever people can make it over the summer. Ideally this will also include Full Moon and Dark Moon gatherings in autumn. As much notice as possible will be given and dates and times agreed on in advance, however outdoor gatherings are weather dependent and therefore may occur at shorter notice.

Herbal & Crafting Days in 2023 were @4 hours each.

Attendance at these Gatherings is optional and is considered a bonus to the training for those who can attend.

Your Searmanas OirnitheOrdination Ceremony, will take place on ....Feb of the following year, when you have satisfactorily completed the training.

Total Times for entire Online Course

162 Lessons - 9 hrs 37 mins

37 Videos - 3 hrs 45 mins

10 Audios - 6 hrs 9 mins

8 Live Zooms - 24 hrs +/-


6 Lessons -35.2 mins

I video -1.24 mins

I Audio -1.50 mins

Complete and Continue