Welcome the joyful energies of Summer Solstice! We are at last spending more time together out in nature and enjoying more Gatherings on the Land.
This year the height of summer arrives with the Summer Solstice on Thursday 20th June. It can occur between 20-22nd depending on when the sun reaches the northernmost point of the equator. The term "solstice" comes from the Latin Sol (sun) and Sistere (to stand still).
In Irish we say, Griantstad and tSamhraidh (pro. gree-enstad on sow-ra) meaning the sun stand still of summer.
At the solstice, the angle between the sun's rays and the plane of the Earth's equator appears to make the stand still, just as it does at Winter Solstice on the opposite side of the wheel..
Summer Solstice brings the longest day of the year, the time of most daylight. At noon the sun will reach it's zenith and although we will enjoy good weather for quite some time to come, from here on out it slowly begins it's descent again.
Greetings, Sun of the seasons!
As you walk in the high heavens;
With your strong steps upon the high void,
You are the joyous mother of the stars.
You sink down in the abyss of destruction
Without suffering harm or scathe;
You rise up on the peaceful wave
Like a young queen in flower.
— Carmina Gadelica
In this module
We will begin learning about the importance of Life Rites such eg. Baby Naming and Handfasting to name but a few, and how to create them, how the Priestess holds space for their sacred expression, plus further ways to work with Ogham and the sacred medicinal plants in season plus sacred crafting. You will also receive a Mugwort Initiation and Crystaline Light Body Activation at an ancient Irish site.
First lets take a look at some traditions for celebrating this magical time of year.
Welcome to Module 4
13 Lessons - 1 hr 13 mins
1 Video .14 mins
Live Zoom Class 3 hours