“And I have been a breath in your heart. And the day has its feet to it that will see me coming into the hearts of men and women like a flame upon dry grass, like a flame of wind in a great wood..."
"Winged Destiny:
Studies in the Spiritual History of the Gael’,
Fiona McLeod 1903
Gabhaim Molta Bríde! We Praise Brighid
by Carmel Diviney
Yours is the Air that instils the first breath.
Yours is the air that rises with the sweetness of incense and prayer.
Yours is the air that is heady with the scent of roses.
Gabhaim Molta Bride
Yours is the Fire of a thousand fervent suns.
Yours is the Fire that ignites hearts who burn with love for you.
Yours is the Fire of Holy Desire.
Gabhaim Molta Bride
Yours are the Waters of Life, the rains, the flowing rivers and the deepest seas.
Yours are the sacred wells and starry springs that pour forth wisdom.
Gabhaim Molta Bride
Yours is the fertile Earth.
Yours is the beauty of the flowers, the fruit of the crops and the strength of noble trees.
Gabhaim Molta Bride
Yours is the Realm of the Shining Ones,
The light of the Heavens giving glory to the All.
Yours is the ecstasy of the eternal singing choirs.
Gabhaim Molta Bride
Middle World
Yours is the radiant Centre, the point of light that brings forth harmonious magic.
Gabhaim Molta Bride
Lower World
Yours is the dwelling place of the Loving Ancestors. Yours is the chalice of wisdom and the cauldron that restores the soul.
Gabhaim Molta Bride
Raising the Crann Bile
To you belongs the great Crann Bile, the venerated tree of the tuatha.
To you the Holy Tree that holds the cosmic balance.
Gabhaim Molta Bride.
Gabhaim Molta Bride.
Gabhaim Molta Bride.