Fáilte Bhríde
I am honoured to host this Sacred Space where you will be guided through a Year and a Day of Priestess Training in the Temple of Brighid™, a spiritual community of Sisters who hold deep devotion to the Divine Feminine, especially the Goddess Brighid in her many aspects.
There are Two Pathways within this Training
- Pathway of Sacred Ordination - Accredited Certification for those who have completed the course work throughout the year and received the Rite of Ordination.
- Pathway of Sacred Participation- for those who have participated without completing assignments. Certificate of Participation only.
All Temple of Brighid Courses are Accredited by IPHM - International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine, recognised and Insurable Worldwide.
Temple of Brighid™
Priestess Training
Who is Brighid?
In Irish Mythology, Brighid is the daughter of An Dagda, the great Father God of the Tuatha Dé Danaan. It is speculated by some that her mother is the Goddess Boann of the sacred River Boyne. Some say she is daughter of Danu, others say the Mórrígán, but certainly she is of Divine Feminine lineage.
Brighid means Exalted One.
She is Goddess of the Forge, of Healers and of Poets.
As Patroness of Poets, she opens the doors of inspiration and to communication between the worlds.
Brighid is known by many names, including Lady of the Shore, Lady of the Sea, Goddess of the Flame, Fiery Arrow, Brighid of the Mantle. She is the Protectress of Women and Children, especially of women in childbirth.
No other western Goddess has demonstrated such enduring veneration as Brighid. She embodies An Spiroad Naomh, the Divine Feminine and the all encompassing emanation of Divine Mother. From ancient times to her later adoption as Saint, she is venerated all over the world.
Celtic Druid Rose Priestess
What do these words awaken in you? Something mysterious, a yearning? Something you can't quite explain, something calling to your soul?
It may be calling to you from across many lifetimes, calling you to reconnect and awaken to your Divine Feminine mission now.
As surely as the wave meets the shore, this call will pull you back to Her.
Would you like to:
- Connect with the Goddess and discover what this means for you in this lifetime?
- Discover who Brighid is and her many forms?
- Connect with other Celtic (particularly Irish) Goddesses and Gods?
- Discover Brighid’s correlation with her Goddess counterparts in cultures from around the world eg. Isis of Egypt?
- Learn the difference between Sacred Circle and Temple Space as we work with both?
- Deepen your connection to ancient Irish traditions?
Becoming a Priestess is a vocation. This course is a serious immersion into what will become for you a way of living, a way of life.
This course includes:
165 Lessons - 9 hrs 47 mins
37 Videos - 3 hrs 45 mins
10 Audios - 6 hrs 9 mins
Recordings of Temple Days for permanent access to the Teachings
In Person Gatherings for those who can attend, including Ritual and Sacred Crafting.
A Year & a Day Training
Accredited Certification
9 Modules:
Spring Equinox
Summer Solstice
Autumn Equinox
Winter Solstice
Spiritual Entrepreneur Mentorship
Searmanas Oirnithe/Ordination Ceremony
The Mansions of the Moon: Lunar Priestess practices of the 13 Celtic Moons,
Flame Keeping,
Shamanic Pathways,
Celtic Rituals,
Frame Drumming,
Sacred Dance,
Channelling Brighid,
Herblore & Sacred Crafting (Crafting materials for those who can attend in person),
Staidiúir Ogham Embodiment Practices,
Ancestral Healing,
In-Person Gatherings & Ceremonies at sacred sites (for those who can attend in person),
Initiations, Attunements, Activations,
Priestess Ordination Ceremony,
Membership of Private Facebook Group for sharing and support.
The Course is delivered over 9 Comprehensive Modules, supported by Audio & Video Tutorials, Workbooks, Live Zoom Classes plus Recordings for permanent access to the teachings.
Tutor support is available throughout the course.
Temple Priestess
On completion of this training you will be awarded Accredited Certification to perform ceremonies such as:
Baby Naming
Marriage Celebrant
Death Rites
and other rites of passage we explore throughout the course, as well as being empowered to host your own Women's Circles, Red Tents, Groves/Temples etc.
Healing Priestess
This healing modality is EXCLUSIVE to Temple of Brighid Priestess Training. It will awaken and activate your Priestess Codes, greatly enhancing your ability to channel healing energy, activate your Crystalline DNA, increase your psychic abilities and strengthen your protection.
Brighid's Divine Healing
On completion of this module and successful submission of 9 Case Studies, you will receive accredited certification to practice the very powerful healing modality of Brighid's Divine Healing,
which includes
- Brighid Healing Priestess Initiation,
- Shamanic Techniques
- Sound Therapy: Brighid Tuning Forks™
- Essential Oils
- Crystal Grids &
- Sacred Geometry
Course materials supported by Live Zooms, video & audio tutorials.
All Temple of Brighid courses are accredited by the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine, recognised and insurable worldwide.
Example Curriculum
- Creating Sacred Space
- Corrbolg, Crane Bag, Medicine Bag
- Cleansing and Purification
- Self Cleansing
- Saining
- How to Create Incense & Smoke Bundles with Indigenous Herbs
- Video: How to Create Incense & Smoke Bundles with Indigenous Herbs
- Self Saining Method
- Cleansing Your Space or Home
- Cleansing through Sacred Sound
- Imbas Bhríde Invocation
- Video: Imbas Bhríde Invocation
- The Spiritual Signature of Essential Oils
- The Myrraphores
- How to Make a Brighid Anointing Oil
- Video: How to Make a Brighid Anointing Oil
- Sacred Anointing
- Introduction
- Directing & Working with Energy
- Chakras
- The Three Cauldrons
- Self Healing
- Crystals
- Brighid Attunement & 21 Day Ritual Practice
- Video: How to Choose your Crystals
- Light Language
- Video: Attunement & 21 Day Ritual Practice
- 2 Audios: Brighid Activation & Invocation
- Brighid Attunement Symbols
- Imbolc Sacred Teas
- Nine Gifts of the Cauldron
- Conclusion
- Imbolc Workbook
- Imbolc Introductory Temple (87:20)
- Introduction
- Cónocht an Earraigh
- Ogham
- Ostara
- Síle Na Gígh
- Circle Space & Temple Space
- Welcome to the Temple
- Video: Temple Ritual
- Sacred Dance
- Video: Sacred Dance, Fire
- The Frame Drum
- An Bodhrán
- Video: Frame Drumming - Fire Strokes
- Ancient Egypt, Goddess Hathor
- Brighid's Well
- Video: Frame Drumming - Water Stokes
- Sacred Dance - Water
- Video: Sacred Dance- Water
- Echtra: Song Journey to the Well
- Audio: Shamanic Drumming
- Workbook
- Initiation
- Inventory of Caution: Energy Healing
- Connection and Disconnection
- Temple of Brighid Healing Techniques & Symbols
- Brighid Tuning Forks
- Contraindications for Use of Tuning Forks
- Video: Connect and Disconnection
- Video: Temple of Brighid Healing Techniques
- Video: Brighid Tuning Forks Healing Protocols
- Distant Healing
- Brighid's Healing for Animals
- Diagnosing the Cauldrons
- Video: Diagnosing the Cauldrons
- Video: Healing with Drum
- Video: Traditional Drum and Chant
- Case Studies
- Audio Gift
- Practitioner Information
- Conclusion
- Introduction
- Cétshamhain/Bealtaine Traditions
- Ogham
- Asperging
- Ritual Bathing, Herb Bath
- Brighid and Avalon
- Brighid and Iona
- Brighid and the Knights Templar
- In Search of Brighid Tour 2024
- Chanelling Brighid
- Sacral Land Marriage - Banais Ríghi
- Banais Ríghi Féin
- Bríghde and Lugh
- Faighin Draoíochta
- Myrraphore Practice
- Sacred Dance- Earth
- Frame Drumming - Earth
- Video: Frame Drumming - Earth Strokes
- Sacred Dance - Air
- Video: Frame Drumming - Air Strokes
- Group Gathering on the Land
- Audio: Music to Welcome Summer
- Workbook
- Introduction
- Lughnasadh
- Lugh
- Harvest Deities Around the World
- Harvest Journey
- Ogham
- How to Make Flower and Ogham Tree Essences
- Video: How to Make Flower & Tree Essences
- The Mansions of the Moon
- Irish Star Lore
- Moon Water, Essences & Remedies
- Gardening by the Moon
- Lughnasadh Recipies
- Group Gathering on the Land
- Workbook
- Essential Oils for Lunar Phases
Working with the Sacred Land
Gatherings will include visits to Ancient Sites, guidance into a deeper connection with the Ogham Trees, identifying and working with herbs and plants in season, visits to Sacred Wells and other liminal places associated with Brighid and many other Irish Gods and Goddesses.
These Gatherings and Ceremonies on the Land are a bonus for those who can make it.
Priestess Training Payment Options
Two Payment Options available 2025
Option 1: One time payment of €2,220.00
9 Modules delivered seasonally to attune with the presiding energies,
Option 2: Available 1st Feb until 1st March only 9 x payments of €222.00 pm.
9 Modules delivered seasonally to attune with the presiding energies
165 Lessons - 9 hrs 47 mins
37 Videos - 3 hrs 45 mins
10 Audios - 6 hrs 9 mins
9 Live Zooms plus Recordings of Temple Days for permanent access to the Teachings
In Person Gatherings for those who can attend, including Ritual and Sacred Crafting.
Priestess of Brighid Ordination