Celtic Lunar Scent
Join me for a Year and a Day Training as a Celtic Lunar Scent Priestess in holy traditions that have been practiced in ancient Temples all around the world.
The Celtic Lunar Scent Priestess is truly a most beautiful Course, guided by the countenance of the lunar phases, accompanied by the wisdom of Celtic Goddesses, and the heavenly beings and pure expression of the Divine which are, Essential Oils. It is a Pathway of Initiation on which to explore the magical world of Celtic Mysticism.
This course is an alchemical journey of self- healing and transformation as we attune with the earth and cosmic energies, supported by the Divine wisdom of Essential Oils. It will enable you to understand how to support your energy systems through today’s epidemics of stress and overwhelm, to uplevel your vibration, and to emerge as a higher version of yourself and what you can offer to the world. In addition, it will enable you to incorporate these ancient healing practices into your healing services to others, as a Sealabhóir Ola Healing Practitioner.
This training comprises a blend of Live Online, Home Study and In Person Gatherings for those who can attend.
On completion you will receive accredited Certification as a Sealbhóir Ola Healing Practitioner. You will be able to use your knowledge and skills to include course Wisdom Teachings in your own Circles, classes and Celtic Ceremonies.
BONUS! Course Includes Goddess Box of 13 x 5ml Sacred Essential Oils, 1x10ml Priestess Anointing Oil, 60ml Lunar Incense which will be posted to you on enrollment. Free postage Ireland only. Postal charges apply elsewhere.
Available while stocks last.
Sealbhóir Ola
SEALBHÓIR OLAIGH - The Myrraphores by any other Name
The written traditions and holy lineage of the oils can be traced back to the earliest temples of Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, India, Greece, ancient temples all over the world. Even art depicting the use of scent in sacred ceremonies appears on temple walls, showing the importance fragrance held in connection to the Divine.
Essences and heady fragrances were used to facilitate change in consciousness, in healing, blessing, anointing, offerings, meditation and prayer. Priests and Priestesses in the Temples, emissaries of the Gods and Goddesses, would use aromatic oils, incense and ointments as offerings to the Deities, to anoint initiates, to anoint statues and ritual objects, in supplication, praise, and in sacred ceremonies to ritually mark each of the passages through life and death.
The Goddess Isis was a Myrraphore, a bearer of Myrth, as was Mary Magdalene, probably the most well known Scent Priestess for her anointing of Yeshua.
The Priestesses of Artemis, Innana, Aphrodite and those of so many other ancient cultures were hailed as sacred medicine women. These women embodied a sacred role and facilitated the evolution of the soul through their knowledge of the oils for spiritual transformation, emotional and physical healing. They understood the profound ability of the oils which carry crystalline Light frequencies, to awaken, transform and transmute, and to facilitate the journey of the soul back to Divine origin.
When the Emperor Theodosius ordered the closure of the Pagan sanctuaries in the fourth century, the Roman Catholic church also placed a moratorium on the religious use of scent. Over time people forgot the bee priestesses, the Melissae, the Myrraphores, the Scent Shamans, the Priestesses, but the time honoured bees, the quintessential symbol of the Priestesses and the Temple, never stopped their work or remembering their ways. Now, two thousand years later, this knowledge returns to us.
Bees are regarded as sacred to Brighid, as evidenced in our earliest writings and folklore. In Celtic Mythology, bees were regarded as having great wisdom and acted as messengers between the worlds.
The Bee Priestesses have reached across time to inspire this course in which we emulate ancient Priestess practices and attune and align them with our own ancient Celtic and pre Celtic culture, our own Goddesses, our own indigenous plants and tree medicine, and our own ancient names for the Moons. This course aims to revive our forgotten knowledge and to bring it forth for modern day Priestess enlightenment.
Sealbhóir Ola
Sealbhóir Ola –Oil Bearer. (Sealbhóir pro. shall- vore. Ola pro. ulla)
Today’s Scent Priestesses remember this sacred calling.
Sealbhóir Ola (Oil Bearer)
Today's Myrraphores remember this sacred calling. (Irish: Sealbhóir pro. shall- vore. & Ola pro. ulla)
☽︎ The Sealbhóir Ola holds space for the deep work of self-healing and the reclamation of sovereign power.
☽︎ The Sealbhóir Ola creates and holds the spaces where they learn how to love the Self.
☽︎ The Sealbhóir Ola creates the spaces where they explore their inner realms, to hone their intuition and awaken their healing gifts.
☽︎ The Sealbhóir Ola creates the spaces for the sacred to enter in. They are the holy vessesls who birth and give form, the embodiment of Divine creation. They are the wounded healers, the scapegoats, the healers of their ancestral line. They are the medicine women, the anointed, the wise ones, those who have walked through their own shadow and chosen the path of spiritual awakening and transformation.
☽︎ The Sealbhóir Ola is aligned with their Soul Purpose and lives in service to the Divine.
The sacred aromas and Essential Oils we will learn about and employ in this course are 100% organic and carefully chosen to assist you in elevating your consciousness and vibration.
Celtic Goddesses
Each Lunar Temple will be guided by a Celtic Goddess.
13 Celtic Moons
13 Celtic Goddesses
Sacred Oils
The Art of Sacred Anointing
BONUS! Course Includes Goddess Box of 13 x 5ml Sacred Essential Oils. 1x10ml Priestess Anointing Oil, 60ml Lunar Incense.
Available while stocks last.
Your Goddess Box will be posted to you on enrollment.
Free postage in Ireland. Postal charges apply elsewhere.
Accredited Training
Please see FAQ for more information on this Course in Curriculum below
Example Curriculum
- Introduction
- Instructions
- Lunar Temple Dates 2025
- Reviews
- Fragrance in Celtic Mythology
- The Bee Priestesses
- How to Work with the Oils
- Activating the Oils
- How to Work with the Phases of the Moon
- Moon Altar
- Lunar Correspondences
- Connecting with the Moon
- Ogham
- Audio Gift: Echtrae - Shamanic Journeying
- Workbook
- Introduction
- Celtic Rituals & the Seven Sacred Directions
- The Elements
- Essential Oils & Elemental Correspondences
- Audio: Meditation with the Elements
- By Earth, Sea and Sky
- Crann Bíle
- The Sídhe
- Sacred Circle
- Scribing The Realms
- Raising the Crann Bíle
- Audio: Opening the Sídhe Pronounciation
- Ritual
- Closing the Sídhe
- Audio: Closing the Sídhe Pronounciation
In Person Gatherings
As well as online Lunar Temples, there will be opportunities to meet at sacred sites for Full and Dark Moon Celtic Ceremonies.
Ceremony includes Sacred Sound as we bathe in healing frequencies that not only help to balance and harmonise our own being but help to honour and revitalise the energy of the land itself. Rituals include use of the Irish Language with English translations.
This course also includes extensive Ogham Wisdom and embodiment Practices.
Celtic Druid Rose Priestess
Related Course
Accredited Priestess Training in the Temple of Brighid (TM)
Full Course includes Priestess Ordination.
Further Details at Link.