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Primary Studies in Sound Therapy
Primary Studies in Sound Therapy Level 1
Ancient Origins of Sound Therapy
Ancient Music of Ireland
Early Medieval Ireland
Sound in Ancient Irish Texts
Sound in Celtic Mystery Traditions
The Three Illuminations
The Celtic Fonnsheen
The Perpetual Choirs
Audio Gift: Cave Chant
Celtic Invocation of the Three Realms
Audio: Celtic Invocation of the Three Realms
Your Personal Power Song
Fuaimeanna Annála- Gaelic Breath Sounds
Audio: Fuaimeanna Annála
The Development of Sound Healing in Modern Times
Sound Therapy Today
The Sacred Sound Stream
Video: Space Sounds
The Magic of the Human Voice
Toning, Chant and Mantra
Bija Mantras
Further Exercises in the Sounds of Power
Voice Funnel Technique for Healing the Body
Video: Voice Funnel Technique
Chinese Healing Sounds
Parenting your Inner Child
Shruti Singing
Video: Shruti Singing
Overtone Singing
Video: Overtone Singing
Solfeggio Frequencies and the Sacred Geometry of Sound
Solfeggio Frequencies
The Sacred Solfeggio Scale
Audio: Solfeggio Pure Tones Guided Meditation
Video: Solfeggio Tuned Healing Pipes
Video: Water Mandalas
Pregnancy and Sound Therapy
Himalayan Singing Bowls: 2 Bowl Treatments
Harmony and Dissonance
Binaural Beats and Balancing Brain Hemispheres
Video: Binaural Beats Treatment
Open and Closed Circuits
Video: Open and Closed Circuits
Video: Yin Yang 2 Bowls
Advanced Energetic Sound Treatments
Energising the Heart
Video: Energising the Heart
Connecting the Head and the Heart
Video: Connecting the Head and the Heart
Energising the Solar Plexus
Video: Energising the Solar Plexus
Extra Grounding Techniques
Workbook and Template Forms
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Video: Space Sounds
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